Cookie Time is FINALLY here! At our meeting today, the girls earned their "Meet My Customers" badge! We also set individual goals, and our goal as a troop! We talked about how important customer service is and we made thank yous that we will attach to the cookies we sell!
Troop Goal: 3000 boxes
At the next meeting, we will be talking about how important giving back is. The girls will decide what they would like to do, using cookie funds, to give back to our community!
LETS GET TO SELLING!!! Good luck girls! I know we can reach our goal of 3000 boxes!
Thanks for visiting our site! To see all of our troop pictures, look on the left side under "Our Troop Links" and click on "Photo Gallery on Shutterfly." Feel free to share any photos with family and friends. Enjoy! If you have any questions, please let us know!