Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thank you Troop 457 for a FABULOUS YEAR!

We had a FABULOUS 1st year! Just wanted to say thank you to the girls for all of your hard work and dedication to Troop 457! And a special thank you to the parents who supported your daughters choice to be in Girl Scouts, bringing her to meetings, and participating in the many field trips we took! It was a great year and I really enjoyed getting to know you and your families! Although we lost a few girls during the year, we also gained 3 bright new brownie smiles! I am excited to see what the next year holds for our troop and what new adventures we take together! See you in the fall! TROOP 457 ROCKS!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Meeting No. 12 - Snack Time!

Today was our last meeting of the year, so we decided to end it with a meeting devoted to making yummy snacks! The girls learned what foods are good for them and why. They were paired up into groups and assigned a particular item to make. One group made a savory batch of hot sauce - it was delicious! One group made a sweet holiday dessert - strawberries and blueberries dipped in white chocolate! Another group made a snack for energy - a sweet and salty trail mix. The adults loved it, although not the girls favorite. The last snack they made was a snack to slurp - fruit smoothies! These were a hit! The girls voted on the blueberry smoothie to make at camp in the fall!! It was a messy, but yummy day!

Welcome Harley! We are so excited you joined Troop 457!

Thanks for visiting our site! To see all of our troop pictures, look on the left side under "Our Troop Links" and click on "Photo Gallery on Shutterfly." Feel free to share any photos with family and friends. Enjoy! If you have any questions, please let us know!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Meeting No. 11 - Bugs Eeeekkkk!

Today the girls earned their Bugs Badge! They made colorful butterflies from coffee filters, they made posters about bugs, and even went outside to catch bugs for the bug jar they made! We also ate marshmallow ants for a snack! 

Welcome Kaitlyn!! We are so excited that you joined our troop!!

Thanks for visiting our site! To see all of our troop pictures, look on the left side under "Our Troop Links" and click on "Photo Gallery on Shutterfly." Feel free to share any photos with family and friends. Enjoy! If you have any questions, please let us know!