Sunday, January 27, 2013

Meeting No. 19 - Booth Sale Prep!

WOW!! 3000+ BOXES in Door-to-Door sales, and still orders coming in! Congrats again girls! You all worked really hard to accomplish your goals! Today at the meeting, we talked a little more about what they would like to do with their cookie profit and we made glitzy booth sale signs that are SURE to draw the attention of every customer! Booth Sales HERE WE COME!!
Thanks for visiting our site! To see all of our troop pictures, look on the left side under "Our Troop Links" and click on "Photo Gallery on Shutterfly." Feel free to share any photos with family and friends. Enjoy! If you have any questions, please let us know!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Troop 457 ROCKS!

Awesome Job to the girls and parents of troop 457 who worked really hard to sell
3000+ boxes of cookies !!  
I am looking forward to a great booth sale season too! During the next few meetings, the girls will be making decisions on how to spend a portion of their cookie money and deciding what fun activities they want to do this Spring! Again - job well done!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Meeting No. 18 - Cookie Rally!!!!

"Selling cookies teaches goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, & business ethics—aspects essential to leadership, to success, & to life,"

We had a full house today for our Cookie Rally today! We talked about individual goals and troop goals and discussed ways that we can use our cookie profits. We talked about managing money while out selling cookies and during booth sales, and how to act around our cookie customers! We also played a few games to familiarize the girls with all the cookies they were selling! The girls all had a great time and were pumped about selling cookies!

Thanks for visiting our site! To see all of our troop pictures, look on the left side under "Our Troop Links" and click on "Photo Gallery on Shutterfly." Feel free to share any photos with family and friends. Enjoy! If you have any questions, please let us know!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Got Cookies?

Cookies go on sale TODAY!! 
Thanks for visiting our site! To see all of our troop pictures, look on the left side under "Our Troop Links" and click on "Photo Gallery on Shutterfly." Feel free to share any photos with family and friends. Enjoy! If you have any questions, please let us know!