Friday, March 16, 2012

2012 Booth Sales

The girls had a GREAT Booth Sale season. They all learned the ups and downs of running a business. They learned how to work with each other in order to get the job done. They also got to practice their customer service skills! After 17 booth sales - these girls are business pros!! I just want to thank each parent who volunteered to help, whether it was just bringing your daughter, or staying to help out. This cookie season was a great one! Congrats to Troop 457 on a JOB WELL DONE!

Thanks for visiting our site! To see all of our troop pictures, look on the left side under "Our Troop Links" and click on "Photo Gallery on Shutterfly." Feel free to share any photos with family and friends. Enjoy! If you have any questions, please let us know!


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